rochelle feinstein

Artist Biography: Rochelle Feinstein

Rochelle Feinstein is a prominent contemporary artist renowned for her innovative approach to painting and mixed media. Born in 1947 in the United States, Feinstein has developed a distinctive voice that combines personal expression with systematic methods. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and later pursued her Master of Fine Arts at Yale University. Throughout her career, Rochelle Feinstein has been deeply involved in the dialogue around abstraction and representation, creating a body of work that reflects her intellectual engagement with art and theory.

Artistic Approach:
Rochelle Feinstein's artistic approach is marked by her application of systematic methods and mathematical theories. She often utilizes color systems to explore the emotional and aesthetic potential of her works. Her pieces frequently involve an exploration of randomness and order, allowing the interplay of color and form to create visual dynamics that resonate with viewers. By integrating mathematical concepts, Feinstein examines the relationship between structure and chaos, inviting audiences to consider the underlying systems that govern perception in art.

Notable Exhibitions and Works:
Rochelle Feinstein has exhibited extensively, showcasing her work in both solo and group exhibitions across the United States and internationally. Significant solo exhibitions of her work include "Rochelle Feinstein: Paintings and Works on Paper" at the Susan Inglett Gallery in New York and "What You See Is What You Get" at the Kavi Gupta Gallery in Chicago. Her group exhibitions have featured in esteemed institutions, such as the "Dirty Looks: Queer Film and Video" at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and "The Edge of Impressionism" at the Brooklyn Museum.

Her works are included in several prominent collections, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the National Gallery of Art. Rochelle Feinstein continues to be a vital figure in contemporary art, her exploration of systematic methods and color systems paving the way for newer conversations in the art world.

Through her unique lens, Rochelle Feinstein contributes significantly to the understanding of artistic processes and the impact of mathematics on visual expression. Her ongoing commitment to pushing boundaries and experimenting with form ensures her position as an influential artist in today’s artistic landscape.


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